Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Clearing the Air with Natural Air Fresheners

That linguini with garlic butter sauce was incredibly yummy last night and the smell from the kitchen filled your home.  Everyone wanted to know what time dinner would be ready.

This morning that heavy garlic and butter smell in your home is not so appealing.  So how can you get rid of that smell without reaching for a can of toxic chemicals that will pollute the air or burning a candle that will only make the air quality worse?

use spices for natural air fresheners

Natural Air Fresheners Ingredients

Head back to the kitchen.  Almost all the natural ingredients you need to freshen up the air in your home are already there.

Citrus.  Start with citrus.  Lemons, limes, and oranges have the freshest aromas.  But, in a pinch tangerines, tangelos, and grapefruits will do as well. 

Herbs. Next, see what fresh herbs you have on hand.  Woody herbs are best.  Fresh herbs always have more essential oils than dried, so go with fresh when at all possible.  Rosemary, bay leaves, lemon grass, and any of the mints are great choices.  While technically a spice, fresh ginger is also a great addition.

Spices. Dried spices pack an aromatic punch.  Star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and allspice are all great choices.

Extracts and Essential Oils.  Look at your bottles of extracts.  Vanilla, orange, almond, coconut, and peppermint pack a powerful punch.  Just a little will go a very long way.  If you have essential oils you can use a small amount of that as well.

Flower Petals and Heads. Talk a walk through your garden.  Rose petals, plumeria petals, and lavender will bring a hint of sweetness to your mixture.  Cedar twigs and mulch are also great additions.

How to Make Your Own Natural Air Fresheners

Now, put two cups of water in a saucepan and add your aromatics.  Bring to a boil and then quickly turn down to simmer.  You can simmer from an hour to two or all day long, just replenish the water.  When you are done, allow your mixture to cool and pour it into a clean jar and place in the refrigerator.  You will be able to use it 2 or 3 times at least.

Let your favorite smells be your guide.  For example, I love a mixture of lemon and rosemary.  Some people only use the peel of the lemon, but I like to use slices or quarters.  Some other great combinations are:

  • Lavender and vanilla;                
  • Orange, ginger, and cinnamon
  • Lime, mint, and lemongrass
  • Coconut extract and plumeria petals
  • Orange and vanilla
  • Lemon or lime and coconut extract
  • The only limit is your imagination.

 Give Natural Air Fresheners as Gifts

If you are crafty, you can place the aromatics in a jar, fill with water, tie with pretty ribbon and give as gifts.  Be sure to attach a tag with the simmering instructions.  Or, you can keep the secret to your pleasant smelling home to yourself!

all images courtesy of  Serge Bertasius Photography FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

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